Rebekah Children’s Services offers a robust continuum of training for professional and personal development. View our portfolio of training options below.
To get involved, contact us at 408-846-2136 or email us at training@rcskids.org or simply send a message in the form below!
Providing Trauma Informed Care and Resiliency
The foundation of this training stems from the ACES Aware initiative led by the Office of the California Surgeon General and the Department of Health Care Services. This training provides educators, school staff, and other personnel tools and strategies to identify stress and trauma for themselves, and the students they serve. Topics include initial responses to stress, how we define trauma, and how to foster resiliency to combat stress and trauma.
Training is 1-2 hours, depending on the need.
Population: High school students, parents, Educators, and Administrators. Training for teachers is effective for all grade levels. Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
De-escalation and Crisis Intervention
This training provides educators, school staff, and other personnel tools and strategies to effectively prevent and manage crisis situations. Topics include effective behavior management strategies, avoiding power struggles, resolving conflicts between students, and de-escalating students in crisis. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice applying strategies through various vignettes throughout the training.
Training is 2-3 hours, depending on the need.
Population: Parents, Educators, and/or Administrators. Training for teachers is effective for all grade levels. Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
Substance Use Prevention Workshop
This workshop educates and informs parents regarding teen alcohol and drug use/abuse. This workshop focuses on adolescent brain development, substance use, abuse, addiction, commonly used drugs and their effects, and parenting communication skills.
Training is 90 minutes
Population: Parents, Educators, and/or Administrators. Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
Triple P Seminar
A “light touch” parenting information presentation delivered to a large group of parents (20 to 200) who are generally coping well but have one or two concerns. There are three seminar topics with each taking around 60 minutes to present, plus 30 minutes for question time. The Selected Triple P Seminar Series is designed to be a brief introduction to the Triple P strategies and will give parents and caregivers you work with great ideas to take home and try out with their families.
Training is 90 minutes per seminar (up to 3 seminar classes). Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
Population: Parents
Restore for Kids!
Based on Carry the Vision’s guiding principles of peace, nonviolence, and compassion, this workshop provides children with practical, transferable tools for:
- Anxiety and stress reduction
- Greater capacity for kindness and compassion
- Improved focus and concentration
- Enhanced creativity and productivity
- A greater sense of overall well-being
Restore Kids will learn and engage in:
- Mindful tools, relaxation practices, and restorative breathing techniques
- Interpersonal and societal skills for more meaningful relationships and a sense of community
- leadership skills to help others thrive
Training is 20 minutes – an hour, depending on needs and development of students.
Population: Students of varying age/development. Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
Understanding Behavior as Communication: A Teacher’s Guide
All behaviors are a form of communication. This training examines what behavior is, what the function is behind the behavior, and guides on how to address it within the classroom setting.
Training is 90 minutes
Population: Educators, and/or Administrators. Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
Conducted as a workshop targeted to caregivers, educators, and mental health providers. The objective of the workshop is to provide knowledge for reducing barriers to permanency for LGBTQ+ and gender-variant children/youth in and out of the child welfare system.
Training is 90 minutes
Population: Caregivers, Educators, or Mental health providers. Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
Cultural Humility Training
This 1 hour and 30-minute introduction to Cultural Humility looks at developing an understanding and shared language to promote dialogue so we can address societal oppressions. This training offers an opportunity to self-reflect and come together as a community to provide a better understanding, challenge power imbalances, and offer healing.
Training is 90 minutes
Population: Caregivers, Educators, or Mental health providers. Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
Radical Self Care for Educators
Radical self-care is defined as the responsibility to care for yourself first, before attempting to take care of others. Pushing ourselves to exhaustion is something many have experienced, but it is healthier to fill our cup first and then give to others from the overflow. This training provides practical strategies that promote the mental well-being of the educator, using trauma-informed practices, and strategies from The Onward Workbook by Elena Aguilar.
Training is 60-75 minutes
Population: Educators, School Staff, or Mental health providers. Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
Trauma Informed Practices in the Classroom
An introduction to being aware of our biases and creating awareness in the classroom. This training gives concrete tools on how to defuse conflict and fosters a healing space for learning. This training reviews current external/internal contexts that can impact the students and school staff, provides psychoeducation on stress and trauma, and strategies to implement in the classroom setting. By becoming aware of biases and humbly embracing diversity, we hope to promote equity in the classroom.
Training is 60-75 minutes
Population: Educators, School Staff, or Mental health providers. Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
Promoting Digital Literacy to Combat Social Media Dangers
for Our Youth
Join us for a documentary and discussion with mental health experts on how to better understand the world children are navigating as they grow up in the digital age. The documentary features actual parents and kids as well as industry-leading experts in child safety and development, this documentary dives into the real-life issues facing kids today — including cyberbullying, online predators, suicidal ideation, mental health, and more. Please note that the documentary does include discussions about sex, sexual abuse, and suicide, therefore discretion is advised. However, the intent of the video and discussion is to promote safety, learning, and education. The documentary is then followed by a guided discussion on how to enhance digital literacy in our youth to promote hope, happiness, and well-being.
Training is 2-2 1/2 hours, depending on the need.
Population: Parents, Educators, and Administrators. Training for teachers is effective for all grade levels. Can be delivered in English and/or Spanish.
Additional Questions?
To learn more, contact us at 408-846-2100 or email us at training@rcskids.org or simply fill out the form below.
We look forward to hearing from you!