Kneaded Culinary Academy
Educating youth and young adults in hands-on culinary skills to prepare them for a career in the hospitality industry.

Free Groceries Program
Join us with Second Harvest Food Bank for a FREE monthly food give-away program to provide nutritious food to families in need.
Client Success Stories

Monica & Jorge
Monica, her husband Jorge, and their two young boys, ages 2 and 6 years old, came to our Family Resource Center (FRC) for help after walking for 2 months and crossing 3 countries’ borders to reach the United States. Facing threats of extortion and violence from gangs, Monica and Jorge were forced to leave their home and embark with their children on this dangerous journey. Upon arriving in the US, they found themselves homeless, and walked through the doors of our FRC, seeking help. Our FRC Team worked tirelessly to meet the essential needs of this family, connecting them with resources including clothes, diapers, food, and a stroller. Our Team also spent hours on the phone, collaborating with other agencies to seek and secure safe housing for this family. Today, Monica, Jorge, and their children are safe and thriving and continue to participate in many of our FRC’s programs including parenting workshops and support groups, arts and enrichment classes, and early literacy programming.

Rachel and Nathan
RCS will forever hold a very special place in our hearts. We would not have our kids without them. And it’s not just the therapeutic services they offer or the highest quality social workers they provide, It’s the fact that the Director called me and asked me what I wanted from Starbucks before every single county meeting that we had to attend. It was the fact that their Social Worker showed up with diapers every time she came for a home visit-because we had two kids in diapers, and she knew we were never going to have enough diapers. RCS is serving children and families in a foster care system that prioritizes statistics and outcomes. They have not forgotten that placements are children, and that foster parents are people who get attached and love these kids like they are their own.

Jaime came to live with his mother after spending his first four years of life in very traumatic and unsafe living conditions. Although his mother felt overwhelmed by his behaviors, she was determined to help him heal. In therapy, Jaime learned coping skills to help regulate his emotions and practice self-love and kindness. Jaime’s mother also collaborated with his therapist to seek out other resources, including parenting classes and medical evaluations. Today, Jaime and his family are in a healthier and happier place. Jaime likes to show off his breathing techniques, as well as some of the self-compassionate phrases he’s learned in his healing journey, such as “it’s okay to make mistakes” and “I am a good boy.”